Ah harvest time! Just thought I'd mention that heavenly equation. Still time to get some of Milan's tomatoes (say at one of the last remaining farmers markets) and the bacon at Oyama (flavourful and not overly fatty!) is always available as are Terra Breads' fabulous loaves!
One of our favourite farmers' markets, the Nat Bailey Stadium Farmers Market (30th & Ontario Street) opens tomorrow Wednesday June 15th from 1pm.-6:30p.m. and will be on every Wednesday until October 26th, 2005. See you there!
Hurray! The East Van Farmers Market is open again! It's hard to believe that when the market first opened 10 years ago, there were only 7 farmers and they sold out in 2 hours. How the market has grown...3 weekly markets and dozens of farmers, food artisans and crafts people. Not to mention the growth and sustainability of a community. Congratulations and may the markets continue to grow and flourish!
It's the 10th year of the East Van Farmers Market and it's better than ever! Check out the photo of Devorah Kahn (former leader of the Vancouver Farmers Markets association, eatlocal) speaking before the ribbon was cut! More later. See you next Saturday!
I love items that are both functional and beautiful. At the Nat Bailey Farmer's Market today I came across the gorgeous craftsmanship of Alex Zapotichny. Alex, who is a retired highschool woodworking teacher, designs and makes hardwood cutting boards. He uses native hardwoods and accents the boards with exotic hardwoods.