Porco's looking for a list of seasonal foods for the lower mainland

Porco's looking for a list of seasonal foods for the lower mainland. If anybody can help, please leave a comment!



We have a book (that we bought way too many years ago when we were starving college students) called Frugal Luxuries by Tracey McBride that is a nice read for homemaking tips and ideas. There's a section on eating by the seasons that I think would be useful for you. Although the author lives in California and not BC, at least the she's on the same side of the continent. There are two books: 1) Frugal Luxuries; 2) Frugual Luxuries by the Seasons: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/055337995X/ref=pd_sim_b_1/102-3448790-5324911?%5Fencoding=UTF8&v=glance

The Fraser Valley Farm Direct Marketing Association produces an annual Farm Fresh Products Guide (http://www.bcfarmfresh.com). They have a produce availability chart (http://www.bcfarmfresh.com/charts.asp) of what's in season and when that is useful.

thanks Teresa the list is a start but of course i want more such as: 1) links to where i can buy this stuff in vancovuer 2) some supporting material e.g. links to recipes and how to buy and use this stuff 3) make this a full fledged category with an RSS feed so I can subscribe to it and get updates as it changes all of the above is not rocket science and can be done easily by non technical people using a web browser if you use a modern system like Bryght, Drupal, Blogware or MovableType

Slow Food Vancouver has a list of seasonal produce on their site each month. Browse over to www.slowfoodvancouver.com and click on the "In Season Now" banner at the top of the home page.