Islanders BC and Stephen Wong's Asian Street Food circa 1997

Yet another look at our referers' log led me to another cool food related web site. In this case a link to VanEats (thanks!) from Islanders BC , yet another BC Filipino website, led me to a local Filipino's website which copied the 1997 articles from a Time magazine feature: Vancouver Asia's New Capital which together form a very interesting snapshot of Vancouver in 1997.

On the subject of food, the same website has also copied Stephen Wong's article about "Asian" Street food: Vancouver Village: Secrets Of The City: Secret Street Food (WARNING the Chinese malls are still there but many of the restaurants have either gone out of business, moved or changed since 1997). If you overlook the fact that Stephen seems to think "Asian" means mostly Chinese (since he hardly mentions any non Chinese restaurants except for one Korean, one Japanese and one Vietnamese), this is also a nice snapshot of the street food scene back in 1997. It's very interesting that a Filipino would copy an article about Chinese restaurants but NOT mention Filipino restaurants or food on his site! I think this shows the Filipino's love of Chinese food! I love it too!

Hopefully, Stephen would probably put in more non Chinese restaurants if he were to write a 2001 "Asian" Street food survey. He obviously knows alot about non Chinese food as evidenced by his articles on Filipino foods and other Asian foods that we mentioned before. Hmm, I sense a feature on Vancouver Street Food coming on! Something to write about soon! I would definitely include Pondok and Hawker's Delight in such an article.
