Debroah Dunaway's content consulting: menu and wine list proofreading services

Hmmm. This sounds great - I am sure some budding restauranteur could use Deborah's services.

From content consulting: menu and wine list proofreading services.:


Okay, so you have this great restaurant. A stupendous chef. This incredible menu of wonderful, mouth-watering food. You are poised to hit it big on the restaurant scene.

There's only one problem: I bet your menu describes all sorts of exotic foods from all kinds of exotic places, prepared in some pretty cool ways. I bet that even if you personally come from some wonderful and exotic place, you are not a trained proofreader and editor.

That's where content consulting comes in. Deborah is a food person, and a lover and student of language. She will make sure that the content of your menu lives up to the content of your kitchen. She will make sure that you don't say "with au jus" when that's really not what you mean. She will make sure that your accents are all pointing in the right directions. She will check that your wine list is in good order.

