Membership-less comments now enabled

We have enabled comments on this site. This means that membership is no longer required to post comments. Hopefully this will result in increased feedback from our readers.

Posting news items and messages (which we still encourage!) still requires a free, painless, and spam-free membership



Yes, it's encouraged me to respond.

Hi Roland, One thing you could do for signed in users is do a bit of obfuscation on the e-mail addresses of posters, or even better don't show them at all. E-mail addresses in clear text on web pages are the #1 source of addresses for spammers. I'd previously managed to avoid that happening with my current address but now I am counting down the days until I get my first invitation to help transfer some funds out of Nigeria. Thanks on the west indian food thread, BTW.

hi mark i believe the mail addresses are no longer shown if you still see them, please let me know exactly where and i'll see what i can do! wrto the west indian food, you're welcome and did you see that somebody recommended the reef at main and king edward? Thanks for checking out our site!

ha ha :-) !