First Visit: Viva Fine Foods & Bakery

If Viva Fine Foods & Bakery Inc. (1555 Yew Street, 604 738-8482) were in our neighbourhood, then it would be one of our "happy places" just like La Petite France is!

What is the difference between the two places? Well, Viva is more Canadian! And La Petite France is very French!

Both places serve very good coffee and croissants (the Italian coffee at Viva is good; we had a latte for $2.80 and the croissants are almost as good as La Petite France's. We had a chocolate one for $2.25).

Viva serves muffins (we enjoyed an excellent banana and raspberry muffin for $2.25), savoury pies and wraps; things that La Petite France doesn't sell (and should never sell in my humble opinion).

Both places are great for hanging out and escaping from the omnipresent Vancouver sub tropical rain forest rain (as we did yesterday) and for basking in the sun as well!

In terms of baking and pastries, I think that La Petite France can't be beat because of their constant innovation built on the magnificent foundation of traditional French baking and pastries. Nevertheless, we will be back at Viva for mini-review to see which place is better! It's a tough job but somebody's got to do it!
