Mini Review: McKim Restaurant in Richmond

This is one of the many restaurants in Vancouver that cater to Chinese immigrants from Hong Kong, especially the recent ones.

According to my colleague, William, there is a famous restaurant in Hong Kong called McKim.

Before this McKim, which is affiliated with the one in Hong Kong, opened, somebody else started a Chinese restaurant with the same name in the greater Vancouver area. William kindly translated from Chinese the disclaimer on the menu that explained that this restaurant was the real McKim :-) and not related to the other one.

Regardless of the veracity of its heritage, this McKim is a fun place at lunch. Not crowded (probably because it is new), it featured noodle soups. Mmmm mmm good or lecker as the Germans say.

Here's a picture of their business card:
McKim Business Card: Business card from McKim Restaurant in Richmond.  #1180-8788 McKim Way. 604 270 6632

McKim Restaurant, #1180--8788 McKim Way, Richmond, 270-6332