2 C margarine
2 t vanilla
1 C powdered sugar
4 1/2 C flour
1 1/2 C finely chopped pecans
1/2 t salt
extra powdered sugar for rolling
1. Combine margarine, vanilla, powdered sugar.
2. Add remaining ingredients to sugar/margarine mixture and mix well.
3. Roll into 1" balls. Bake on ungreased cookie sheets at 400F 10-12 minutes - until set but not brown.
4. Remove from oven and roll immediately in powdered sugar. (Careful they're hot!) Cool completely on racks. Roll again in powdered sugar.
Makes about 60 cookies, probably more. I've never counted.
1. Because the balls are rolled while hot, the powdered sugar melts onto them. It forms a moist coating for the cookie that is extremely messy. It also means that the cookies become less than perfect in a few days (let's say 4 days). They still taste fine but the powdered sugar comes off in clumps wherever they touch the cookie tin or another cookie.
2. t=teaspoon, C=Cup
Contributed by Teresa Salter