Click here to play my 60 second video of Bob Blumer presenting his BBQ pizza at the Weber pavillion (Flash player required, here's the MP4 version if you are flash challenged)
Heather and George Angeard have again organized a wonderful consumer food event, Eat Vancouver 2006, on yesterday, today and tomorrow. Congrats! I know how hard it is to organize a 100 person event like MooseCamp or a small 200 person conference like Northern Voice. Can't imagine organizing something that fills up BC Place.
I was lucky enough to chat with Bob Blumer, The Surreal Gourmet for a few seconds. Unfortunately I didn't have time to do a proper podcast or videoblog with him since I had to go back to work, but Bob is gracious, friendly and warm. Just like most bloggers: even better in person!
The pizza that he cooked for the pre-opening media event (check out the 60 second video above for a glimpse of it) at the Weber pavillion was delicous: crunchy, warm and savoury. Mmmm! Luckily Bob will be at Eat Vancouver cooking numerous times on the stages: e.g. on Saturday at 12:30p.m., 5:30p.m. and 8:00p.m (and of course there are other chefs like Rob Feenie and Chef Wan from Malaysia cooking as well!). Download the PDF schedule (could we have the schedule in HTML format as well next year please?) for full information and times.