Kiwi Pies' phone is 604 454 1914, single pies are $6, thanks Pogi!

In response to yesterday's post, Pogi ;-) (thanks!), left comments with the following very useful information:

  • Kiwi Pies' phone number 604 454 1914
  • the price per pie ($6, "if you add chips or a drink it's another buck each. you can also buy frozen pies by the dozens.")
  • his recommendation: (Pork Thai Red Curry)
  • What's available (Steak w/ mushroom and green peppercorn; pork Thai red curry; New Zealand lamb and butternut squash; spicy Mexican beef; Indian veggie samosa; chicken and smoked ham hock)

Yum, this makes me want to try their pies out more than ever.
